Inside everyone is a story waiting to be told.

Everyone's life is a story with meaning and purpose. Our stories are meant to be shared. All of our pain, loss, and joy are meant to bring awareness, inspiration, and encouragement to others. Storytelling is a fundamental part of being human and in relationship with each other.

A Woman Writing in her Diary while Sitting on a Couch
Senior Man Writing Memoirs

Telling your story can be intimidating and difficult to even know where to start. There is no right or wrong way to begin, but we can help guide you through the process of exploring your life from the past to present through creativity and self-expression.

In an interview style, you will be given specific questions to assist you in identifying the characters and themes that make up your unique story. Through group or individual sessions, email, and phone consultations, we will coach you in ways that will uncover the truth of your experiences and memories. This will include guidance to help facilitate forgiveness and identify past areas that still need healing, all while weaving a beautiful and cohesive tale of your journey.

The completed project is then made available to you in hardback, paperwork, and ebook format as a keepsake or sharing with others.

For more information, please contact

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